The island that Norah finds herself on is absolutely stunning, full of amazing vistas to snap screenshots of, especially in the earlier parts of the game. A Gorgeous Mysterious Island That’s Brimming With Secrets

Cissy Jones, who also provided the voice of Delilah in Firewatch, does a fantastic job as Norah narrating her emotions, and Yuri Lowenthal does the best he can with the little amount of dialogue he gets. That’s not to say that the cast didn’t do a great job. When it came down to making a decision that would affect the ending, it was an easy one to make for me I didn’t feel the weight of my decision because I just couldn’t connect to the characters and Norah specifically. I also never really cared for Nora’s plight, maybe because there weren’t any character interactions between her and someone else, and all I got was small glimpses of her love for Harry when she talks about their life together. IT IS A VIOLATION PUNISHABLE UNDER LAW FOR ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE TO PRESENT ANY WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF AGE WHICH IS FALSE, FRAUDULENT OR NOT ACTUALLY HIS/HER OWN FOR THE PURPOSE OF ATTEMPTING TO PURCHASE ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE.The game’s story takes a radical turn into the fantastical, and though some may enjoy it, I found it a little too far out there.